I graduated college with an accounting degree yet never felt my degree was complete until I got my Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license. It took me close to two decades and more than 30 (I stopped counting) attempts to pass that exam. I’m not the best typical test taker and that exam is brutal-there is no cliff note version. To put it into perspective, less than 25% pass all four parts on their first try. What inspired me to enroll in a CPA study program one last time was when I got passed up for a promotion at a company I was at for a few years. When I asked the COO (the guy in charge of that decision) why I was not considered, it was all because I did not have those three letters behind my name. I said never again would I be passed up for a position and promised myself I was going to get my CPA. It was a very challenging journey filled with multiple health issues, doubts, financial burdens, losses and way too many sacrifices. And I would not change a thing. I learned so much about myself during that time, how to say no and who my true cheerleaders in my life were. Hard work, belief, focus and dedication were critical components of my success. Getting back up every time I got shot down, which happened a lot over a course of 3 years. Getting those letters were the catalyst for me starting my own business and figuring out how to live life on my terms and I love what I do.

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